Graphic Design student blogging about different projects.

Thursday 6 June 2013


I decided to create all of them in black and in white. Some I think worked better in white then others due to the shadows on the face. I think they all look quite striking in black though, and a bit creepy together as a series. So I think i'm going to use all black for my final piece. I could go half and half and use both. I wanted to do two or three of each model but the amount of time that went into doing these made me realise this was a bit unrealistic. And actually I think if there was 16+ images all portraits on my exhibition wall it might look a bit too much and take the focus away from the originals.

I still feel like I need something else up on my exhibition wall. I have done several printed backgrounds in the printing room that I havn't utulised and I feel there is other things I've explored in my scetchbook that would be worth considering as a supporting final piece to these.

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