Graphic Design student blogging about different projects.

Monday 10 June 2013

Exhibition space

We have been allocated our exhibition spaces so I went down to my spot in the dome with some paper and scissors to have an experiment and positioning my pieces. 
I liked the idea of having my final portraits in squares. Focusing close on the illustrations and also being a bit different from a standard portrait photo. The square sizes I made were the width of A4. I considered making them a bit bigger but when I put them on my wall with masking tape I felt they did actually look just right that size and I could visualise my images looking good that size. Not too big and in your face, but big enough to see the detail. 

I decided on having two A3 pieces as well. One of a back and legs and one of the portraits with eye contact. These pieces I wanted to include colours hopefully. I did an experiment using my textured printed background as an overlay on one of the portraits of Lydia and the outcome looked really interesting so my plan is to have a go doing the same thing with the body photos. 

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