Graphic Design student blogging about different projects.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Magazine Covers

I really liked the drawing I had done previously on Jess' face with the vector patterns digitally. Looking at Nina Chakrabarti's work it inspired me to go a bit more crazy with the drawing I was doing. I liked this idea of drawing on top of perfect, airbrushed images. Almost defacing them in a way. It reminded me of when you were younger and you used to draw all over the models on magazine covers with pen. The drawings have quite a comical aspect to it in that way, and a nostalgic... but also I like the idea that really it's mocking the magazine industry and these flawless models that people aspire to be like. 

I went to the college library and photocopied several vogue front covers (being the only fashion magazine with these kind of photos we had at college). The close-up photographs worked a lot better than the mid shots as it was easier to draw on more detail.

After doing this it inspired me to maybe mock up my own magazine covers with these kind of illustrations over the top. After some consideration I realised it wouldn't be worth creating a magazine (plus I didn't think I'd have enough time) As it would mean having to create a purpose for it, an audience/context etc etc. And really it would take away from just actually mocking model photos.

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