I scanned in the fine liner and black ink drawings I did to draw them up in illustrator as vectors. Because the drawings were so detailed I couldn't draw them up straight in illustrator. So I simplfied and cleaned up the images in photoshop and make a working path. I then exported the path to illustrator. On the first drawings below were so detailed that all the information wasn't picked up as well as it could have been. But actually I quite like how it looks a bit disjointed and it almost makes it look eroded.
This one below has worked out a lot cleaner and I think it all depends on the how clean the drawing is itself. Really putting them into vectors doesn't change them much but it means if I wanted to create something digitally using them i'd have them at hand.
Having a little experiment with the vectors after I realised I could invert them. Which I think actually makes a really interesting effect. Like the one below with the white lines.
Another benifit of putting them into vectors is I could then make them into photoshop brushes. This experiment below was just different photoshop brushes layered on top of eachother.
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