Graphic Design student blogging about different projects.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Statement of Intent.

Statement of Intent.

Section 1

Completing the exploratory stage of the course strengthened my experimentation skills and gave me an insight into how to approach project work. It made me aware of how the skills you can develop in one specialist area can be applied in all the specialist areas and benefits your breadth of approaches. Before starting the course I found I struggled with taking risks in regards to my work. I think this is something I am really grateful to now feel more confident at.

I knew Graphic Design was the pathway for me because I feel within Graphic Design you face creative challenges, and I like the kind of work where you can use your creativity to produce something that fulfils a particular purpose.

Section 2

The projects I did during the pathway stage developed my skills in research and development. I got an insight into different areas of Graphic Design such as typography, book making and advertising and promotion. As well as doing drawing project that strengthened my traditional skills and experimentation.

I am confident I want to pursue a career within Graphic Design and look forward to exploring all areas of the subject in further study. I feel the skills I have learnt during the stages of the course so far have put my in good stead for starting a degree in Graphic Design, and got me very excited for the kind of project and the kind of work I will be faced with in the future.

Section 3

For the Personal Confirmatory Project I have chosen the theme of ‘Adornments’. To explore why people choose to adorn themselves with different accessories and modify their appearance. I aim to look at the history of different adornments and how styles have developed over time. I felt it would give me the chance to explore different cultures and how the society we live in reflects how we dress.

I think what predominantly inspired me to do this project is an interest into people and why they do certain things. I think my theme stems into identity and how people try and reflect their personality via how they dress. Also exploring material wealth and the importance of materialistic possessions in our culture and in other cultures. I believe my chosen project applies itself to Graphic Design because I believe Graphic Design is very much about people and society.

I aim to research contemporary designers and artists that explore modern culture. One artist I know I am going to use is Fabian Ciraolo, an illustrator from Santiago who illustrates famous iconic historic people in a 20th century style. Changing the way they dress and their adornments to reflect modern culture.

I also plan to use a range of different media experimentation and observational drawing as a primary source in my project. As well as photography and gallery visit to furthermore strengthen my sources.

I also aim to use physical resources such as books from the library, creative journals and online creative blogs to discover relevant information on contemporary culture and find relevant contemporary designers.

To record the entirety of my project I plan to use my sketchbook, my A5 journal and my online blog. But think my project would also benefit from doing larger experiments outside the confines of my sketchbook. I have created a week-by-week project plan to help me organise me time and make the most of the time I have during the project. Outlining time for research and reflection, time for observation drawing and collecting primary sources. As well as this I have outlined when I will begin trying to steer my project to an outcome/outcomes.

Section 4

I will use my journal, blog and sketchbook annotation to evaluate my project reflecting on what I am doing each week and keep track of ideas.

I found using my blog very beneficial during pathway stage to reflect on my work and bring it all together using photos and writing mini evaluations of my thoughts. This is something I intent to continue on the same blog address.

In lesson I will write personal action plans for each day and participate in peer reviews to get an outside view on how my project work is developing.

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