Graphic Design student blogging about different projects.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Looking Up & Looking Down

Last week we went for a 5 day trip to Lisbon Portugal. During the week we were given the project "Looking up and looking down". So whilst in Lisbon I took a lot of photos and drawings related to this project
The city itself I felt was really great for this project. Especially for the architecture. The buildings were all so unique to one another, you found really modern looking buisness style buildings next to old and worn derelict looking buildings, But there was so much colour to see. Lots of the houses were different bright colours, or adorened with lovely tiles (Azulejos). As well as the tiles on the buildings there entire streets were cobbled. The patterns in the cobbles varied and these were also really lovely to see. Lisbon definitely had a lot of different patters and colours to appreciate. 

Looking Down (Cobbles)

More looking down examples...

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