These are some of the first final 9x9 squares that I hope to use in my book, developed from the drawings and photos I took in Lisbon.
These are the first lot of developed drawings and photos. Majority of this was really just experimenting with different photoshop processes that I knew about and a few random experiments. The drawings I didn't do a great deal to. I felt they were already quite strong and because they were simple the colours didn't need much changing to fit the colour scheme. The photos on the other hand I would say I edited rather heavily. I think this was because I felt the photos in their normal state just didn't bare any sort of familiarity with the drawings and colours. As much as I like the photos stand alone, when used in this project I feel like don't quite work just as a plain photo. The one just above was an exit sign for the metro. I made the text and the arrow more prominent than to foot. It was nice to highlight the bit of text as it was in Portuguese and the arrow is a nice touch as a symbol that links to the theme.
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