Logo Design.
As part of our ABC visual communication day we had another short brief of making a identity for our Graphic Design Group. As a class we did a mind map exploring who we are as a class, what we represent, our class characteristics etc etc.
These ideas below we started of sticking to the idea that were were "GD" standing for Graphic Design. So below on the left you can see some quick explorations of the idea. I liked the idea of keeping it in a circle shapes because were a small group, and to me the circle kind reflects the idea of us being a family. Because we are in west block is why in some of the logos the arrow pointing left is incorporated.
We then were encouraged to steer ourselves away from the GD idea and try out something a bit different. A few ideas went round but we found it hard to think of a name that would be appropriate to represent us. After a lot of thinking we thought about using our door number W132. I really liked this idea. So I began drawing out the numbers in different ways trying to incorporate the arrow again.
The last idea I came up with was to make it more visual and steer away from numbers and letters all together and go for hands symboling the door number. I quite liked this because graphic design is hands on, each of the hands can symbolise us, what we use to create what we do. I wondered how I could incorporate the "West" idea with the hands. I found this to be slightly problamatic. I tried using a arrow in the background but I felt that looked too much like a sign pointing a direction and took away from the hands a little.
Having a quick go at experimenting with some colour I did the version of the G I drew out previously. Using masking tape to create the G shape and then painting over with green and blue inks.
For some reason we did really like using blues, I think using the greens in this one wasn't such as good idea because in combination with the arrow it look rather similar to a recycling sign.
Developing the hands further...
I decided I really liked the hands logo and wanted to have a go at developing the hands further.
So I drew each hand out again bigger and scanned them in:
I then cleaned the scanning up a little bit. Below the top set of hands you can see I drew over them in photoshop with a black line. The second set of hands on the picture below is the photoshop linedrawing and the original drawings together. Which I thought was quite nice, because I think it's the sketchy detail the looks quite effective, not being so clean.
But I think adding the photoshop lines over helped a lot to define and clean it up a little.
Working on the Logo ideas the is a cleaner version I drew up. Still feel like it needs some work and stuff, but in general I do quite like the idea done simply. I think it works quite nicely.
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